this is glass chaos

Just a mom, surrounded by absolute chaos, trying to create something beautiful.


Hey, I'm Breanna

I am the face behind GlassChaos! I have spent the last decade traveling the world and as I visited a million cathedrals throughout the globe, I fell head over heels for Stained glass! What an incredible art form! So I decided to jump in and figure out how to do it myself. For the last 3-4 years now I've been filling my home with colorful pieces that bring me so much joy. I finally feel ready to share that work with others! But now, I have 3 kids (4 and under) and 2 black labs. Our home is EXPLODING with energy (which I LOVE) but it also makes it hard to carve out time to create. Glass chaos is my attempt at creating something beautiful in spite of the chaos around me! I hope you find something that brings you joy here!